Marketing Cloud
Pardot is the full suite of B2B marketing automation tools to create meaningful connections, generate more pipelines, and empower sales teams to close more deals.
· Take manual labor out of common marketing and sales tasks to help your team speed up the sales cycle.
· Fill your sales funnel with high-quality leads using trusted, powerful marketing tools.
· Understand how your customers go from clicks to close.

*이미지 출처 salesforce.com

Journey Builder
Journey Builder를 통해 고객의 행동 패턴에 따른 구매 여정을 전략적으로 설계하고 단계별로 고객의 행동 패턴과
상황에 적합한 맞춤형 컨텐츠를 자동으로 적용하고 전달할 수 있습니다.

CLOAI(클로이)는 Marketing Cloud와 밀결합된
Clovis 메시지 발송 모듈입니다.
· 알림톡(카카오)을 통해 고객에게 정보 알림
· 친구톡(카카오)을 통해 광고 메시지 발송
· SMS/LMS/MMS 문자 발송
· Marketing Cloud에서 알림톡 템플릿 등록 및 검수결과 관리
Marketing Cloud Personalization(MCP)
In conjunction with Pardot, you can analyze the entire data from Marketing to Sales.
· Understand the marketing performance in detail, such as how many sales opportunities each marketing activity generated, and the ROI.
· Enable data-based marketing and sales planning.
· Create customized view dashboards in addition to the basic dashboard.
E-mail Studio
E-mail studio is an email marketing platform that use data from every department to build a smarter email from basic marketing campaigns to sophisticated 1-to-1 messages.
· Create segments based on profile data to inspire engagement.
· Build your messages with customizable templates and deliver dynamic messages that inspire action.
· Strengthen your customer relationships with email conversations that drive every stage of the customer lifecycle.

*이미지 출처 salesforce.com
Engagement Studio
MCAE의 대표적인 자동화 기능 Engagement Studio를 활용하여 마케팅 캠페인 전체 시나리오를 그려보고
프로그램화 할 수 있습니다. 마케팅 이메일, 알림톡, 문자 등을 시나리오에 따라 자동 발송함은 물론 담당 영업에게 할당하거나 Follow-up 할 수 있도록 Task를 생성해 줄 수 있어 잠재고객이 이탈하지 않고 구매를 이어나갈 수 있게 도와줍니다.

Marketing Cloud Account Engagement
Pardot is the full suite of B2B marketing automation tools to create meaningful connections, generate more pipelines, and empower sales teams to close more deals.
· Take manual labor out of common marketing and sales tasks to help your team speed up the sales cycle.
· Fill your sales funnel with high-quality leads using trusted, powerful marketing tools.
· Understand how your customers go from clicks to close.

*이미지 출처 salesforce.com

B2B Marketing Analytics
In conjunction with Pardot, you can analyze the entire data from Marketing to Sales.
· Understand the marketing performance in detail, such as how many sales opportunities each marketing activity generated, and the ROI.
· Enable data-based marketing and sales planning.
· Create customized view dashboards in addition to the basic dashboard.

*Image source: salesforce.com